Spiraea nipponica Description
This early flowering Spiraea produces a profusion of white blossom in late spring, and bears silver green foliage. Ideal as low hedge or in a the border this dense shrub produces arching stems. 1m high x 1m wide.
Spiraea nipponica - Cultivation Notes
Birdal Wreath will flourish in a variety of garden soils but some struggle in very chalky soils. Preferring full sun, Spiraea's will also tolerate some shade but may produce less blossom as a result. Fully hardy this shrub will tolerate some exposure and taller up right varieties can be grown as a loose hedge or screen. Prune after flowering, removing older wood and spent flowers. Mulch occasionally to feed.
Strengths, Weaknesses & Design Usage
Strengths of Spiraea nipponica:
- Sun loving drought tolerant plant
- Attractive autumn colour
- Attracts wildlife to feed or nest
- All round tough plant suitable for problem areas
- Ideal for fast growing screening
- Tolerates full sun and sandy, drought-prone soils
- Tolerates cold exposed locations
- Suitable for hedging or topiary
- Tolerates heavy clay soils
Design & Plant Use for Spiraea nipponica:
- Ideal flowering shrub for problem clay soils
View all the plants listed in Genus Spiraea
View other shrubs with white flowers, or shrubs with medium green foliage
Common Missspellings: Spirea, Spyrea, Spiria, Spyria