Jasminum officinalis Description
This semi hardy climber is often planted against a fence or near a door or window where its scented blossom can be really appreciated. It has an outstanding golden cut leaf followed by white spring / summer blossom. This plant can be easily clipped to shape or can be allowed to grow through trellis or surrounding plants, where it will contrast well with darker foliage or purple or red foliage plants.
Jasminum officinalis - Cultivation Notes
This fast growing semi evergreen trailer requires a well drained fertile soil. Plant in full sun and train into wall / fence / trellis. Ideally plant in a sheltered spot as this jasmine is not fully hardy. Good for growing with other climbers but beware that this less vigorous form and might become swamped by other plants. Trim in late winter and mulch annually.
Strengths, Weaknesses & Design Usage
Strengths of Jasminum officinalis:
- Scented blossom
- Ideal for fast growing screening
- Provides valuable winter interest
- Suitable for container growing
Weaknesses of Jasminum officinalis
- Does not tolerate very dry or very wet soils
Design & Plant Use for Jasminum officinalis:
- Flowering climbing plant for added interest on walls and structures
- Flowering climbing plant for added interest on walls and structures
- Ideal for informal cottage garden style planting
View all the plants listed in Genus Jasminum
View other climbers with white flowers, or climbers with golden foliage